Prime day sale 2024 Salemmango Farms

2 mins read

Last updated : 30-07-2024

Peanuts/Groundnut - Protein Bank

Organic Peanuts 100% Non GMO crop has rich natural protein and minerals. Ground nut is grown in organic soil without any form of chemicals hence we are sure our peanuts are Native ,Pure Premium quality locally produced in village.

Prime day sale 2024 Salemmango Farms Prime day sale 2024 Salemmango Farms

Tasty and nutritious ground nut will control diabetes , soak peanuts in water before night and eat in morning as salad.The blood glucose level is controlled if you eat soaked groundnuts.

Ground nut other names

  • Tamil நிலக்கடலை, மல்லாட்டை, கல்லக்கா, சிந்தாமணி,வேர்க்கடலை 🥜🥜
  • English Peanut,Groundnut
  • Kannada ಕಡಲೆಕಾಯಿ
  • Telugu వేరుశెనగ
  • Hindi मूंगफली

What is Peanut ?

Is it an oilseed, a grain, a fruit, or a dried fruit. Peanut is an seed coated inside with Peanut oil is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that offers many protective benefits against chronic disease.

How much Oil content in Ground nut?

Ground nut seeds have 44- 50% oil content depends on quality and variety , growing places the oil content varies. The flavour and color depends on the cultivation region and monsoon.

Peanut butter

Organic peanut can be prepared using salemmango ground nuts 100% organic and natural traditionally cultivated.

Peanut butter benefits for Male

Regular intake of ground nut will make men to produce healthy sperms for the fertility. Increases men stamina and with help of nitric acid controls premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction..Sex is best excercise for married couples , so good energy needed for performance peanut is the geat source of protein rich energy provider.

Benefits of peanuts sexually for females

Groundnut does a an very important role in women fertility. Presence of folate helps in early stage of pregnancy. Newly married couples trying to conceive should consume daily 40-60 gms goundnuts for the folate intake as natural food. Sexual desire is increased outcomes best sexual life. Protects from birth defects of developing fetus.